
Hey everyone,

I am smallbizz44 or for here: smallbusiness4all. What are we all about? Let me tell you! We want to give everyone the opportunity to create their own small business or bizz for less. We don’t want to take your money we want to show you how to make an extra or more income for yourself by using the smallest amount of your hard-earned dollars that is possible.

I have started several successful and profitable small businesses and had very little money to do it with. To successfully start a small business that will make your more money you have to answer a few questions and know the answers in your own heart about doing something that brings in money. From my own point of view, you have to be really frugal with the money you already have.

Just look around here and you’ll find tons of articles that will help you decide whether to start your own business, learn what kind of business you want to start and the best time to start that new small business.

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